# Program language. Сan be en, ru, ukr # default_language = en # Default codepage for log/stdout. Default utf-8. Can be koi8-r, windows-1251, iso8859-5, cp866, mac-cyrillic, etc. # default_codepage = utf-8 # Default timezone in format date_default_timezone_set (if this function is # supported by your PHP) # By default there is your current system zone. # default_timezone = Europe/Moscow # Script autoupdate module. # Recommended to turn it on to get actual updates. # Possible parameters: # 0 - Autoudates off # 1 - Notify about updates, but don't turn it on # 2 - Autoupdates on # Off by default! # self_update = 0 # IP or DNS addresses of Eset update servers, default value is "update.eset.com" # You can use few servers, separated by comma. mirror = update.eset.com, um01.eset.com, um02.eset.com, um03.eset.com, um04.eset.com, um05.eset.com, um06.eset.com, um07.eset.com, um08.eset.com, um09.eset.com, um10.eset.com, um21.eset.com, um23.eset.com, um13.cn.eset.com, um15.cn.eset.com, um16.cn.eset.com, um10.za.eset.com, um01.ru.eset.com # Enabling updating of each version of Eset, by default everyone is "1" # Eset version 3 # update_version3 = 1 # Eset version 4 # update_version4 = 1 # Eset version 5 # update_version5 = 1 # Eset version 6 # update_version6 = 1 # Eset version 7 # update_version7 = 1 # Enabling updating of different modules for v3/v4/v5, by default everyone is "1" # Eset Version 32bit OS, "1" by default # update_version_x32 = 1 # Eset Version 64bit OS, "1" by default # update_version_x64 = 1 # Eset System Security (ESS), "1" by default # update_version_ess = 1 # Select languages for v3/v4/v5/v6 you want to download, by default all the languages # will be downloaded. Use comma as separator. Full list of languages: # "bgr,chs,cht,csy,dan,deu,enu,esl,esn,eti,fin,fra,frc,hrv,hun,ita,kor,lth,nld,nor,plk,ptb,rom,rus,sky,slv,sve,tha,trk,ukr" update_version_lang = rus,enu,ukr # Filter strings separated by comma, which will be used to filter files/directories to exclude # them from download list. # 'rel-sta' by default # update_version_filter = rel-sta # Enabling internal key autosearch build-in module, default value is "1". # It is used for searching keys in auto-mode using patterns located in # "pattern" directory. # find_auto_enable = 1 # Default value of pattern's name, disabled by default. # If disabled, will use all patterns in "pattern" dir. # If you want to use specified pattern to search keys (located in "patterns" # dir) you should write its file name without extension (.pattern). # Example: you want to use google to seach valid keys in internet. # For this you have to write "google" and have google.pattern in your # patterns' dir. # find_system = # Count searching validated keys. # By default "1". # count_find_keys = 1 # Remove invalid keys from file with valid ones. # Turn this parameter off if you really know that your keys won't never be # expired. # On by default # remove_invalid_keys = 1 # Default search query for search engines. # You can write few ones separating them with commas. # "QUERY" parameter in your link will be changed with this queries. # default_search_query = nod32+username+password # Default value of pattern's page index, default is "1" # It is used as variable in your "link" value and change it "findlevel" times. # Example: you want to use some page for searching valid keys. # Its link looks like: # page1 "http://somedomain.com/" # page2 "http://somedomain.com/?from=10" # page3 "http://somedomain.com/?from=20" # So, as you can see, "from" variable will change every page to 10. # So, your "link" in pattern will look like "http://somedomain.com/?from=#PAGE#" # and "pageindex" should be "10". # "Pageindex" is not used if "#PAGE#" variable didn't set in link. # If you set "pageindex" in your .pattern file it will have more priority than # this one. # default_pageindex = 1 # Value which change how many times "#PAGE#" variable will transform to link. # If you set "page_qty" in your .pattern file it will have more priority than # this one. # Default value is "5". # default_page_qty = 5 # AWK style template which determines eset keys on pages. # If you set "pattern" in your .pattern file it will have more priority than # this one. # default_pattern = ((EAV|TRIAL)-[0-9]{10}).+?([a-z0-9]{10}) # Default value of recursion during parsing sites. # Strongly do not recommend to exceed this parameter more that 2, because # you will get much increase of your traffic and time for parsing. # Normally it's enough to get working keys with value 1-2. # If you set "recursion_level" in your .pattern file it will have more priority # than this one. # 2 by default # default_recursion_level = 2 # Number of tries if downloading was unsuccessfully. # 5 by default. # default_errors_quantity = 5 # Enabling ICQ informer which informs you about result of updating. # Default is "0". # Thank you very much for WebIcqLite class to Sergey Akudovich. # icq_informer_enable = 0 # ICQ informer codepage. Default utf-8. Can be koi8-r, windows-1251, iso8859-5, cp866, mac-cyrillic, etc. # icq_informer_codepage = utf-8 # Logging level of ICQ informer. # 0 - Disable # 1 - Errors and unsuccessful updates until N days (icq_informer_days) # 2 - Errors, successful updates and unsuccessful ones until N days # 3 - All updates and errors # Default value is "2". # icq_informer_level = 2 # Quantity of days ICQ informer will inform you about unsuccessful updates. # Default value is "3" days. # icq_informer_days = 3 # Additional options for ICQ informer. # You should set them up if you enable ICQ informer. # UIN number of ICQ informer. # icq_informer_login = UIN # UIN password of ICQ informer. # icq_informer_password = password # Destination UIN number which will receive messages. # icq_informer_destination = admin_UIN # Enabling PHP Mailer which will inform you about process of updating. # Disabled by default "0". # Thank you for PHP Mailer class to Endy Prevost. # phpmailer_enable = 0 # PHP Mailer codepage. Default utf-8. Can be koi8-r, windows-1251, iso8859-5, cp866, mac-cyrillic, etc. # phpmailer_codepage = utf-8 # Using external SMTP server instead of internal. # Disabled by default "0". # phpmailer_smtp = 1 # Additional information about SMTP server you use. # You have to set these options up if you enable work through SMTP. # phpmailer_smtp_host = smtp.gmail.com # phpmailer_smtp_port = 587 # Enable SMTP authorization. # Default value is "0". # phpmailer_smtp_auth = 1 # phpmailer_secure = tls # phpmailer_smtp_login = login@gmail.com # phpmailer_smtp_password = password # Subject of email # phpmailer_subject = NOD32 script informer # Email which will identificate your script as sender. # phpmailer_sender = sender@gmail.com # Email of recipient which will receive mails. # It's neccessary to set up if you enable phpmailer. # phpmailer_recipient = receiver@gmail.com # Logging level of PHP Mailer. # 0 - Disable # 1 - Errors and unsuccessful updates until N days (phpmailer_days) # 2 - Errors, successful updates and unsuccessful ones until N days # 3 - All updates and errors # Default value is "1". # phpmailer_level = 1 # Quantity of days PHP Mailer will inform you about unsuccessful updates. # Default value is "3" days. # phpmailer_days = 3 # Path to your www directory where eset mirror files will be located. web_dir = www # Type of logging, default value is "1". # Can take the next parameters: # "0" - Disable logging; # "1" - Log to file; # "2" - Log to stdout; # "3" - Log to file and stdout. # log_type = 1 # Level of logging, default value is "4". # Can take text parameters: # "0" - System messages and messages about successful updates only; # "1" - System messages, errors and messages about successful updates; # "2" - System messages, errors, warnings and messages about successful updates; # "3" - System messages, errors, warnings and messages about process of updating; # "4" - System messages, errors, warnings and messages about process of updating # and searching. # log_level = 4 # Path to your log directory, default is "log". # log_dir = log # Enabling rotation of log file, default value is "1". # log_rotate_enable = 1 # Default size of log file which will be rotated, default value is "100K". # You may use postfixes: "B" (bytes), "K" (Kbytes), "M" (MBytes), "G" (GBytes) # log_rotate_size = 100K # How many files will be rotated, default value is "5". # log_rotate_qty = 5 # Generate index.html file and put it into the root of www directory. # It will have: correct database version, size and date of successful update. Default 0. # generate_index_html = 0 # Generate only table for injection this in other html page. Defaul 0. # generate_only_table = 0 # Show used login and password in generated html. Default 0. # show_login_password = 0 # HTML codepage. Default utf-8. Can be koi8-r, windows-1251, iso8859-5, cp866, mac-cyrillic, etc. # html_codepage = utf-8 # Enabling debug mode which dump all downloaded pages into text files. # It's very useful for creating and debuging new pattern files. # Default is "0". # debug_html = 0